Sunday, April 19, 2009

Baby Vest

I just finished badly knitting this! I made so many mistakes that I might just start on another one straight away. I like it because it's so simple and unfrilly, very good for a boy. I just wish I didn't twist my stitches when I am unpicking. I didn't realise it would be so visible! See the faint lines across the knit section? I bought myself a book to explain all the stitches I don't know and it's been really great! I am definitely getting better at this. I think I'll do the next one in something more uneven and slightly thicker so it's bigger. The pattern is here

1 comment:

frank wilson mccoll said...

Here's a tip: if you find you've twisted any stiches whilst unpicking (they will feel tight) just knit into the back of the rather than the front, and all will be well!